Expectancy Theory Essay

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4.1. Theoretical Implications

The development of a new CBE scale is justifiable based on the explanation of the relationship among antecedents, construct and consequences under an unique theoretical framework. In doing so, this study resulted in strong empirical evidence of the Expectancy Theory (ET) framework for explaining consumer brand engagement self-selected brands. The sequence of effort (cognitive, behavior and emotional), performance (consumer brand engagement) and outcomes (BRR & CBE-O) chain of effects was large and significant. The effort-performance (E-P) causal relation was operationalized by the effort based dimensions of CBE, namely Cognitive, Behavioral and Emotional. The performance-outcome (P-O) causal relation was operationalized by the consumer brand engagement concept, and instrumentality was operationalized as the Brand Related Rewards (BRR) to consumer brand engagement outcomes (CBE-O). It was demonstrated that the brand engagement dimensions predict expected Brand Related Rewards (BRR), which in turn predicts consumer brand engagement outcomes (CBE-O). As a result, hypothesis H3a and H3b were supported. Additionally, the measurements of these constructs are mostly invariant (or partially invariant), with adequate parameter stability.

The second-order construct concept was not confirmed, so H1a was …show more content…

Although the relationship was stable regarding gender, income, education level and different scores on the Cognitive dimension, consumer with high and low scores on the Emotion dimension will have significantly different Brand Related Rewards scores. Although the partially constrained model did not confirmed a moderation effect of Emotion on the BehaviorBRR relationship metric invariance was confirmed. Since an Emotion-Cognitive and Emotion-Behavior interplay are predicted by theorists (Clore et al., 1987), this empirical result is a support to such

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