Exotic Animal Animals

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Wildest Creatures: Qualities of an Exotic Animal It all happened about 2 years ago when I went to Florida to visit my cousins. It was a toasty summer day when my brother and I decided to go down to the beach. As we approached the ocean, the salt in the air was sticky and the sand was blazing hot. My brother and I set off to go jet skiing, since that was all that was on my mind. As we headed out, we stayed close to the coast as we were warned that the waves would get very dangerous. We had just traveled around a pile of rocks when we saw a humongous alligator laying there no farther than 5 feet from us. This was my first experience with an exotic animal. All exotic animals are fascinating and have similar qualities. Exotic animals are characterized as being aggressive and sometimes violent. For example, the tiger stalks its prey in camouflage before fiercely attacking. Over time, the tiger has become more dangerous to the people of India as forests have been destroyed for new development, which in turn, has taken over their natural habitat. The African lion can be aggressive too when fighting other lions for territory and trying to get a female for mating. Lions can go as far as slaughtering each other to get what they want. Bison live in a large herd …show more content…

The tiger hunts and kills for survival. When a tiger attacks, it will pounce on its opponent with its hind legs to slice the preys jugular. The lion attacks in packs to bring down larger animals, such as buffalo and deer. Most of the time the female lions will be the hunters unless their prey are too large to handle, which then the male would join in. Although the raccoon will eat just about anything, they prefer to hunt for fish, frogs, crayfish and mollusks. Raccoons are nocturnal and have excellent vision in the dark. They do most of their hunting at night to catch their prey off guard. These great hunters are stealthy and can kill

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