Existentialism In Saul Bellow's Seize The Day

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Saul Bellow’s novel Seize the Day has personal relevance to me, because, in some ways, the story of Tommy Wilhelm is the story of my father. They both face a world that they neither belong in nor understand. They both have violent tantrums that reveal the emotional maturity of a child. They both victimize themselves by complaining about the supposed injustices that the world has committed against them. Wilhelm and I both experience an existential crisis partly due to our fathers, although we are in two very different stages in life. Having an existential crisis led many philosophers in the twentieth century to develop a philosophy known as existentialism. The novel embodies existentialism in its exploration of themes such as anxiety, absurdity, …show more content…

Absurdity is a core theme of existentialist philosophy. One enters the world with absolute freedom, but at the same time, one is born into restrictive historical circumstances that narrow what one can do with that freedom (Six Basic Themes). Wilhelm observes many absurdities. For example, when he helps Mr. Rappaport find his way to the cigar store, he notices that old men who are rich have no practical use for the money. Tommy believes that “They don’t need therefore they have. I need, therefore I don’t have” (Bellow, 97). Wilhelm is disgusted by materialism and wishes that people didn’t care about superficial goals in life such as financial gain. To him, people only think about money. This belief creates feelings of isolation and alienation; these emotions are necessary consequences of living in the modern world (IEP). Tommy’s worldly failures further increase his sense of estrangement. He views himself as a failed student, actor, son, husband, and father. Wilhelm’s dad, Dr. Adler, represents what society admires - a hard working, wealthy doctor of medicine. He serves as a foil to Wilhelm in that his success highlights Wilhelm’s failure. Tommy knows he does not belong in modern society because he abhors its

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