Exercises to Tone Buttocks

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Consistently treating your glutes as a seat cushion can weaken them and result in a muscle imbalance that triggers knee, back and hip injuries. Getting off your tush and performing targeted exercises can strengthen and shape the muscles in your butt, and prevent forward-tilting hips that trigger that dreaded lower belly pooch that many women struggle with. (See References 1, p. 234) Excuses are unacceptable, because these exercises don't require fancy equipment and can be done right at home.
Flat Blasting Workouts

Women are prone to store fat in their lower bodies, and if you carry excess fat in your buttocks, you'll won't see any muscle definition regardless of how many targeted exercises you do. (See References 2) To reduce fat, experts recommend doing at least 30 minutes of cardio on most days and strength training on two days a week. (See References 3) Cardio at home can include mowing the lawn, jumping rope, jogging in place, or if available, using a stationary bike or treadmill. In addition to butt-toning exercises, strength training can include pushups, planks, dead lifts a...

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