Excitation Contraction Case Study

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1. The process of excitation contraction-coupling begin when an action potential is generated. This action potential travels down the somatic motor neuron until it reaches the motor end plate, also known as the synaptic knob. Once it reaches the motor end plate, it causes the exocytosis of the synaptic vesicle containing the neurotransmitter, Acetyl Choline (ACh). ACh is the neurotransmitter needed for all muscle contractions. ACh is spit out into the myoneural synapse. Then, the ACh diffuses the short distance across the myoneural synapse. Once it reaches the other side, it has reached the muscle cell membrane, also called the sarcolemma. Then, the ACh is going to plug into the receptor sites on the sarcolemma, triggering an action potential. …show more content…

As the action potential passes through the terminal cisterni, it opens the voltage gated calcium ion gates within the walls of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Once the gates are open, calcium will be released and it will diffuse from the inside of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, to the sarcoplasm, which is cytoplasm of the muscle cell. The calcium ions will temporarily attach to any troponin molecule it can find. Troponin is a protein molecule attached to tropomyosin. Tropomyosin is wrapped around an actin filament, and it covers the binding sites for myosin heads. When calcium attaches to troponin, it causes a shift in the tropomyosin, revealing the binding sites on the actin filament. Then the cross-bridge cycle begins. With the binding sites uncovered, the myosin heads are free to attach to the actin filament. The myosin head has two things attached to it: ADP and an inorganic phosphate, later an ATP will be attached. When the myosin head attached to the binding site, the ADP and the inorganic phosphate group pop off of the myosin head. This causes the power stroke. The power stroke is when the myosin head cocks one way, causing the actin filament to slide in that …show more content…

The integument is a physical barrier that provides protection. It protects the body from injury and trauma, harmful chemicals, toxins, microbes, temperature extremes, and deeper tissue from solar radiation. The integument also prevents the gain and loss of water. The integument is composed of a deep dermis layer, and a superficial epidermis layer. The epidermis layer is water resistant, but not waterproof, water is sometimes lost through sweat. Another function of the integument is metabolic regulation, and vitamin D3 synthases upon UV exposure. There are also many substances that are secreted and absorbed through the integument. Waste products are secreted from the skin through sweating. The skin also absorbs certain chemicals and drugs. There are also epidermal dendritic cells that attack cancer cells and initiate immune response against pathogens. Another function of the integument is temperature regulation of the body by dermal blood vessels and sweat glands. When the body is placed in a cold environment, the dermal blood vessels constrict so less blood travels through, allowing the body to conserve heat. When the body is placed in a hot environment, the dermal bold vessels dilate, allowing more blood to circulate closer to the surface of the skin. One final function of the integument is sensory reception. The skin has broad innervation, and a large distribution of nerve fibers. Touch receptors detect

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