Understanding and Combating Workplace Harassment at CyberTech

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All CyberTech employees have the right to work in an organization free of discrimination, victimization, harassing conduct, unwelcome sexual advances, or requests for sexual favors. Verbal, physical, or other communication or conduct by an employee, manager, customer, or supplier that disrupts or interferes with another’s work performance or that creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile environment will not be tolerated. All types of harassment, whether based on sex, race, color, religion, age, sexual orientation, disability, or other protected class, are unacceptable work behavior and expressly prohibited.

Examples of Unlawful Harassment

Unlawful harassment includes conduct (both overt and subtle) that demeans another person or shows hostility toward an individual because of a protected characteristic. Examples of such conduct include, but are not limited to, teasing; unwelcome advances; leers; …show more content…

Reporting Procedures

An employee who believes that he/she has been unlawfully harassed, who witnesses harassment or who has questions regarding this policy is strongly encouraged to immediately contact his/her manager, if appropriate under the circumstances or Human Resources. Questions and complaints will be investigated by CyberTech promptly and as confidentially as possible under the circumstances. Employees should feel free to raise their concerns or make complaints without fear of retaliation.

Corrective Action

An employee found to have participated in any type of unlawful harassment or who knowingly and falsely accuses another of harassment will be subject to appropriate disciplinary/corrective action up to and including

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