Examples Of Sociology In Sociology

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I have not realized that sociology was big part of my everyday life. For instance, a sociologist job is to examine the everyday interactions of a society. My society can be examined at a macro level and can be dissected into pieces. If this information were to be closely study, our society can begin to evolve a quick rate. But there may be cases of how each society operates under various perspective. I had no idea that there four different types of perspectives. The first perspective is the functionalist. According to your notes,” Functionalist Society is interdependent, so that each part contributes positively to the functioning of the whole and to social order”. If a society were to become a functionalist one, then each member of this social …show more content…

This will cause a conflict between the two but according to this type of perspective its natural. It may sound scary but throughout our world you can see that many disputes are happening due to the actions of people in a minority group. However, I do realize that there are other ways a society can work. I had never of a symbolic interaction until I had taken this course. According to that same summary guide it states,” Society is a product of the everyday interactions of individuals and that society is composed of symbols that people use to establish meaning, develop their views of the world, and communicate with one another”. I believe that symbolic interaction can be the true solution to the many problems that our society may be experiencing. There are many times in my daily interaction where I would see many different types of advertisement. These advertisements bring all sorts of symbols that can bring a community together with the same believes. Since we are living in Las Vegas there are tons of these examples that are shown to us. There is always new type of syboml that can bring new meanings towards people that may bring them to together and esatblied an …show more content…

However I was quite surprised on what religion can do for our social world. According to the chapter eleven outlines it states,” Religion meets certain basic needs, It explains the meaning of life, death, suffering, and injustice”. Religion is a very important factor on how our social can run succefeul and promote different cultures around the globe. Symoblic view uses these type of religious symbolbs to connect on how a society may run. Any relgion in gernreal can provide awnsers to the big questions that groups of people may have about their social belgoning. Religion can have a huge influence towards the micro and meso levels of the social world. However if this type of power is abuse by a certain leader, there may be more harm than good when including this type of view on the world. However not all relgions are succeful due the lack of motivation and member attendences. According to chapter eleven review,” The most successful religions in the United States in recent years have been those that strengthen the sense of belonging and encourage endogamy”. Many of these successful relgions can help with issues that groups of people may face in the micro level. These types of levels can also be apllied to new generations that seek a more online appoarch of communctiaing with their peers through chatrooms. This type of enviorment is essantley a safe heaven towards different inviduals that may be

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