Examples Of Social Exclusion On Poverty

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Poverty, Social Exclusion and Welfare

First, let us try to understand what poverty is. It is the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions. The basic fundamental or central problem of economics is that there is unlimited wants of the people and limited resources. This on an individual level when the person does not have enough money or resources to procure basic needs such as food, shelter and other basic commodities leads to poverty. Now, there can be different types of poverty, mainly:
• Absolute poverty
This is a state of poverty wherein the people are not able to procure basic necessities of life such as food, access to clean drinking …show more content…

People under this category of Poverty find it very hard to get out of debt and wrapped in it because it has been passed on from generation to generation thus implying lack of resources and material to help them get out of it.

Causes of poverty can mainly be diversified into three categories i.e. Social, Political and External.
Social may include problems like Overpopulation, Lack of Education, Environmental Degradation, Uneven distribution of resources, etc.
Political problems may include problems like High rate of Unemployment, Prejudice and Inequality, Centralization of power.
In this essay we will discuss a few topics as mentioned above such as:
1. Overpopulation
Overpopulation is defined as the situation of having large numbers of people with too few resources and too little space. Overpopulation can result from either a high population density or from low amounts of resources, or from both. Rapid growth of population aggravates the poverty of the people. Population growth not only creates difficulties in the removal of poverty but also lowers the per capita income which tends to increase poverty. The burden of this reduction in per capita income is borne heavily by the poor people. Population growth at a faster rate increases labor supply which tends to lower the wage rate. When the wage rate is lowered, poor people are not able to procure their daily needs such as food or other essentials, that too with the increasing prices of commodities day by

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