Examples Of Political Oppression

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Political oppressions that occurred in the past and are currently happening are all closely similar. In the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines oppression as, “unjust or cruel exercise in the of authority of power.” Many forms of this “cruel exercise in the authority of power” appears in past and present life. Ever since my fourth grade history class, we’re taught all of these different oppressions and the revolutions that unfold afterwards as a result of this exploitation. And even if we don’t realize it, injustice happens within our own homes and lives. In addition, current oppressions are constantly being covered by numerous news stations from all around the world, and each time there’s a new report of this injustice it’s in a different form …show more content…

Before the Egyptian revolution there were many different ways the people were oppressed. First off, President Mubarak stayed in power for over thirty-six years and refused to step down from his rule despite the people’s protests. This act of oppression angered the citizens and led to even more protests, for they were sick of the corruption within the law. Another political cause of the revolution would be how President Morsi issued a order that stated that the court couldn’t overturn any of his decisions. The president’s actions resulted in people flooding the streets protesting for his resignation from the president’s role. When the people of their own country aren’t allowed to have a say in there will always be a rebellion. This is because it’s a natural right for people to take part in their own union. Without this right the people are unhappy with the system and their government could become corrupt and the citizens wouldn’t be able to fight back. But the oppression didn’t just end there. The economy of Egypt was in a dreadful state. Many people were out of jobs and even if you did work your wage was terribly low. Don’t forget to mention the rising food prices the people can barely afford with the little money they have. The endless struggle to keep just enough food on the table encouraged the citizens to protest against the government …show more content…

I plan to solve my oppression in a similar way. To solve the oppression in my life I’ll hold my ground until I have been able convince my parents that being an artist isn’t as bad as they think it is. All I have to do is show them how people make really good livings as professional artists. If they could only realize how delighted I am when I create art then they would be able to see that I could never be happy as a doctor. If we never fix our society only bad things came become of it as a result. Many people are discriminated, abused, and humiliated for what they are or what they believe in. The Egyptians were beat when they fought for what they believed in, which was their natural rights and the resignation of both presidents. My parents humiliate me when they hear that I want to become an artist. And there are countless more examples of this unfair treatment in the world because of our society. Our society is very self centered. If they are different or less privileged they must be dealt with. But in reality it shouldn’t be this way. We must change our society to a more welcoming one, where everyone is treated fairly and equally. People shouldn’t be judged by race or their social status. Just because you have more power doesn’t mean you should abuse it and treat the people below you like they are less important. Is our society could

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