Examples Of Negotiation Fallacy

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A negotiation fallacy happens when in a dispute one or more parts use deliberate or unconscious arguments that can lead to a false assumption. These arguments can relate to lies and omission of important data that would help achieve a fairer decision. Attacking someone and not the argument cause distraction to what really matters or using any other fallacies argument that will derive the attention from the focus point of a negotiation. Understanding negotiation fallacies is important to recognize when someone is trying to manipulate the outcome of a negotiation.
• Purchasing Case Professor Frits mention in class that car sellers use manipulative argument to not give a bigger discount blaming the management while pretending to be supportive …show more content…

We did not have specific role in the group and waited for other teams to reach us and offer trade. Because the group did not have a plan and was not organized when the exercise started, the class became chaotic and everybody was talking at the same time. We lost focus of our goal.
6. Disputes versus deal-making
It is challenging to have good control in a negotiation and avoid being trapped in disputes scenario, as pointless accusations are only a waste of time. Again, it requires good preparation and vision, focusing on interests and knowing when to use power and rights to achieve a deal agreement.
• Dispute Case (Sandy – Carpentry Contractor) As the contractor, we upgraded the material used for the cabinetry and moldings with the secretary authorization. We knew we made a mistake, although we had good intention, that was not enough. We started preparing for the meeting with PAT by analyzing the financial, business, and legal status and made a list of issues that we needed to discuss in ordered relatively to the level of importance to us. We also listed from each issue what were the best, medium, and worst outcome of resolution. The group tried to be prepared and anticipate PAT reaction and reasons to not reach an agreement with our …show more content…

Past experiences can make us jump into heuristic judgments. Advertisement can lead to good childhood memories to convince us that a certain product or service is attractive
9. Culture and Negotiation
In negotiation it is important to understand the impact of culture in the outcome of a dispute. Cultures influence our mental models of how things work, behavior, and cause-and-effect relationship (Leigh L. Thompson, 2012). When we negotiate, it is important to understand the culture values relating to motivation, influence, and information. Studying and being cognitive to others´ culture will facilitate negotiation process by communicating effectively and understanding the position of the opposite side.
• Cross-culture case (Locals) In the cross-culture case exercise, it was interesting to watch the outsider’s behavior and attempt to communicate. The outsiders had an individualist behavior trying to gather information alone. They also had a clear hierarchy as they were always taking the information back to their leader. The outsiders did not pay attention to the local’s behavior as they only focused in what the locals were saying and that led to many

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