Examples Of Medical Malpractice

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Introduction to Medical Malpractice Injuries Medical malpractice occurs when a doctor or healthcare medical professional makes a mistake that causes serious injury, physical or mental harm or death. Legally, it is considered medical malpractice when a doctor fails to comply with a reasonable standard of care. It is a form of negligence that applies to those in the medical profession. Tragically, a doctor’s mistake can have severe, or even deadly, consequences for trusting patients and their families. Because most death certificates are filled out by physicians or other medical personnel, it is hard to quantify exactly how many deaths are caused by medical error. However, a study by researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine says medical errors should …show more content…

In addition, the requirements include an “affidavit of merit,” wherein a medical expert certifies that the evidence shows that malpractice has occurred. Here are some examples of medical malpractice: - Failure to diagnose or discover a medical condition - Misdiagnosis of a medical condition, resulting in improper treatment that fails to cure the original ailment and may lead to additional illness or disorders - Failure to treat a patient’s medical condition properly - Failure to administer anesthesia safely - Failure to manage a pregnancy or deliver a baby in a safe manner. (See the section on Birth Injuries (link) for more information on these types of malpractice injuries) - Failure of a nurse or other staff member to keep a treating physician informed of a patient’s condition - Failure to administer medications properly, including wrong medications or incorrect dosages - Failure to protect a patient from a fall or other injury on hospital

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