Examples Of Heroism In The Odyssey

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“I think a hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people” is a quote said by Maya Angelou and states something very accurate. A hero is considerate, determined, and dauntless, for they are never selfish, malicious, or cold-hearted. Heroes are helpful when it comes to seeing others in need and strong when dealing with struggles in their life.

Inspiring others to do the right thing when dealt with a challenging situation, is how heroism function sin our world. For example , standing up to bullies or making an enormous change in your own or someone else's life. It can inspire other people is sticking up for others who are unable to defend themselves because they are not strong enough to do so.

Examples of heroism are when Odysseus from the story “The Odyssey” helped him and his men escape from the frightening Polyphemus’s cave. In addition, from the passage “An Everyday Hero” , a mother and wife, Ana, stayed tough and helped her family do the same, when battling against cancer. Because Ana and Odysseus were so courageous, they are notable examples of heroism. …show more content…

They don’t always think about themselves and they put everyone before them. Heroes are also not evil, deceptive, or domineering, since they have high standards and know when to do the right thing at the right time that will later result in a phenomenal

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