Examples Of Corruption In The Great Gatsby

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Have you ever wondered what it was like back in the 1920’s and how the people lived and what things they valued? In the novel The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald you really experience the way people lived during that time period. This book is about how the narrator, Nick Caraway who has just moved to West Egg and discovers the many hidden secrets of Jay Gatsby.Through Fitzgerald’s use of theme, conflict, and symbolism he reveals that American society in the 1920’s is corrupt. He shows how people are corrupt through the theme, corruption of the American dream. Fitzgerald shows this theme through the valley of ashes, “The fantastic farm where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens; where ashes take the …show more content…

Cars are a big part of the book and form conflicts throughout the Great Gatsby. They connect to the theme reckless disregard for others and effects of materialism. Tom and Daisy were careless people, “They smashes up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made”(Fitzgerald 179). This really shows the true personality of these two characters. Many people would drive crazy back in that time, “In the ditch beside the road, right side up, but violently shorn of one wheel, rested a new which had left Gatsby’s drove not two minutes ago”(Fitzgerald 53). This is just one example of how people would just smash up things and have no regards for anything else. This impacts the novel in a big way because when reading the book you find out that most people are the same way as Tom and Daisy and have no consideration for the world around …show more content…

His social commentary isn't that the men and women during that time period are mainly focused on materialism and he is saying the society is corrupt. He wants the next generation to be different and not value the things they did. The authors purpose is applied to the real world today because it is a reminder to not value things like social media and to not worship famous people. This is a timeless thing because people today still need a reminder to not do these things and to be themselves. The Great Gatsby is a reminder of how you do not want the world to end up like and to truly live life to the full

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