Examples Of A Day Without Lies

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Ericsson 's Essay about the different lies that we had implemented to be part of our daily life. She explained how a day without lies will affect her life. Well, for me probably it will have the same consequences. First I need to admit that same as her I lie every day, not 3 or 4 times there is days that everything is going wrong that even 5 lies are not enough. I know this affects me morally at the end of the day. Let 's figure out what will be a day with no lies in my life. First I will like to start with the morning. My mother, as usual, will call and ask me if I 'm ready to go? If I have had a good night? If I have taken the dog out for a walk?. I will freely say Mom no I 'm not ready, I just woke up. I fell asleep at 3:00 after finishing …show more content…

Then I will tell her that the dog is not my responsibility that I have enough things to worry about. Consequently, I will go to college and sit on my first class and I will be so happy to be there because I love being in a class and learn more of the world and the society in which I find myself also where I am specializing my knowledge. Then everything will change when my professor ask me if I will like to answer the question?. Proudly I will answer-- Sorry professor but I am not brave enough to answer in front of my classmates I will love to answer the questions and actually I have good ideas that I will like to add to this discussion. Unfortunately, I don 't have the right words to express. I will confuse everybody with my answer that everything that I said will sound reluctant and you …show more content…

Andrew my manager will let me take a break then when I return he will be angry with me because I took two extra minutes from the fifteen that I have. Politely I will answer Andrew I 'm late because you let me go to my break five minutes late. If we do the math you are actually taking three minutes of my break. Then my co-worker will ask me if I can replace him Saturday night because she wants to go to a party. Doubtlessly would answer Mishell I can 't because I I had planned to go out with my friends to the movies. Finally will I will arrived home after a long day and my mom will ask me how was your day "mi amor" my love. Honestly, I would tell my mom everything I do will be worth someday but in the meantime not being easy. Everything is complicated me even when I put all my effort. The only thing that achievement feeling is frustration at not being able to feel completely satisfied with my work. Sound terrible, and heartbreaking. That 's why any of the answers that I propose it will be said. Essentially because If I tell my mom that I 'm irresponsible for not doing my homework. She will be angry and say that college is not cheap to being wasting the opportunity to be there. On the school situation, it will be a complete disaster my professor will probably add a bad comment on my class participation. I will lose the opportunity surprise him with my ideas. Much less will notice my effort. My grade will low. Then on my work I

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