Example Of Personal Narrative Essay Sample

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I was born 17 years ago and grew up on a farm in Mesquite, New Mexico; even though my family members are farmers, I have always wanted to be a rancher. My grandfather gave me a horse when I was four years old and my horse, Dusty, has been the highlight of my life. I learned to ride and rope and at ten years old, I began to participate in rodeos. At Las Cruces High School I took as many agriculture classes as I could and also joined the Future Farmers of America (FFA); I am in a 4-H club and show my livestock at the county fair each year. I have also competed in long distance rides and have attended rodeo school each summer since I was 14 years old. I have won several belt buckles and several thousand dollars in prize money. My dream is to one day own my own ranch.

I am an honest, hard working, and dependable cowboy. I am physically strong and work until I have finished the job. I am good with animals and since I grew up on a farm, I learned a lot …show more content…

The dairy is a family farm which employs twenty-five people and feeds over 400 Holstein cows. Since I do not like to work indoors, this jobsite matches my needs because I am outside 90% of the time. I like to stay in shape and enjoy bucking hay, lifting silage bags, and shoveling grain. It takes a strong back and a good work ethic to be in this career field. You also need to be flexible to be in this career; if the fence is knocked down, you need to stop what you’re doing and fix it. If the cows get mastitis or pink eye, you have to inoculate them immediately. It is also important to watch out for injuries, pneumonia, and bloat in the heifers. The calves need to be checked for scours and dystocia and the bull calves need to be castrated. This type of work suites my lifestyle and I am willing to learn about animal husbandry and feel very comfortable being around

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