Example Of My Family History

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My Family History My family is the most important part of me; they make me who I am. I would not be anywhere without the support of my family. They always back me up no matter what and I try to the same to them. Through the ups and downs of our lives, we have remained a strong, if not stronger, family unit. I appreciate my family so much, I love them so much! We have always been there for each other through the hardships such as moving or deaths in the family. And have been there for each other when it its time to rejoice for instance getting into college or earning a new job. My Dad 's side My Grandma 's Great-Great-Great-Grandpa was the first of his family to come to the United States. He was from the Netherlands. When he arrived in America in 1892 he had only $12 on him. He arrived and went through Ellis Island, New York. After arriving, he …show more content…

She was coming home at night from her job and a sleeping driver hit the driver’s side of her car. The result of that made my Grandma be in a full body cast for nine months; my Grandpa stuck with her the whole time. My Grandma would rather be outside than anywhere else, if you gave her the option to go shopping or tend to her garden she would choose the latter. So when my Grandma was in the body cast my Grandpa would take his truck and lift my Grandma 's bed on the bed of the truck and drive around town so my Grandma could get some fresh air. After my Grandma was able to walk again, my Grandparents got married when my Grandpa was a junior in college. A year after the two of them were hitched, my father was born, Daniel Scott DeYoung. He also has two younger brothers, Jeffrey and Rodney. After my Grandpa was in college, he served in Vietnam for some time. He has been a farmer ever since. My Uncle Rod now helps him on the farm just as my Grandpa helped his

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