Examining the Possible Causes of the Cold War

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The causes of the Cold War and how it developed into one of the largest unarmed struggles in history have been subject to much debate and consequently a number of schools of thought have developed as to the origins of the Cold War. These proposed explanations to the causes of the Cold War have consisted of the orthodox, revisionist and post-revisionist theories. Each theory demonstrates a different viewpoint as to how a variety of political, economic and militaristic factors instigated the Cold War

The Cold War was the political, social, economic and militaristic struggle between communism and capitalist participated in primarily by the communist Soviet Union and the capitalist USA and their respective allies from approximately 1947 to 1991. The Cold War was labelled “cold” as an armed conflict never eventuated, as opposed to a “hot” war, which entails a conventional war with actual armed fighting. The Cold War was instead contested through proxy wars, trade embargoes, espionage, propaganda and a prolific arms race, which constituted an immense build-up of nuclear weapons.

The Orthodox Explanation is a theory on the origin of the Cold War, which places the causes of the war on Soviet Union foreign policy and the inability of their respective ideologies to co-exist. After World War II, the Soviet Union greatly expanded its sphere of political influence in Eastern Europe by imposing communist governments in all but one of the country’s bordering its western frontier. Vojtech Mastny stated it was this imperialistic drive, which instigated the Cold War -“…the first shot fired of the Cold War was the Soviet Unions drive to impose friendly governments in locations of geopolitical importance….” The USSR was building an empire...

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...oviet Union gained possession of the atomic bomb in 1949, the universally recognized notion of mutual assured destruction meant that the Soviet’s and the US had to rely on economic competition, hence the atomic bomb is seen as a major cause of the Cold War in the Post-Revisionist explanation.

It is clear there that each theory to the origins of the Cold War-the orthodox, revisionist and post-revisionist- are very different and in fact conflicting explanations to the causes and development of the Cold War. The post-revisionist theory attempts to integrate the two previous theories and find middle ground, however it confines the causes of the conflict to a number of specific factors when in fact to gain a clear understanding of the origins, one must see it as progression of wide spectrum of political, economic and militaristic factors over a large period of time.

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