Examining Themes in Heart of Darkness

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Joseph Conrad wrote the book, Heart of Darkness, in 1898. He wrote this book touching on many different themes such as imperialism and commerce, darkness imagery, dream and nightmare, isolation, mental and physical illness, truth, and journey. Although all the themes are important to make Heart of Darkness complete, three prevail overall: imperialism and commerce, truth, and journey. Being the author of the book, Joseph Conrad had a personal connection to it. He took his own journey down the Congo River and like Marlow, said that as a child his dreams were to grow up and explore the heart of Africa. A family member also recommended Conrad to a company. Joseph Conrad experienced the "heart of darkness", that could be a reason why his book is so in-depth.

There are many interesting and important characters in this work but only a few dominants the role of being major characters. Marlow, a wanderer, captain, and a storyteller; seems to take the narrator's place. While waiting on the Nellie, their small boat, for the tide to come, Marlow beings telling his story. The narrator, who is unidentified but who is thought to be a crewmember, frames Marlow's story, but never analyzes it with his own opinion. Another important character is Kurtz, who shares characteristics with Marlow, is a trade agent who was sent to Africa by the Company. He tries to bring "civilization" to the natives. Krutz was thought of as being an eloquent and charismatic man who is put on a pedestal and praised by many, but a man envied by his colleagues.

Heart of Darkness takes you as a person on your own journey of how it actually was, the way of imperialism and commerce. The narrator thinks about how humans have a constant desire to conquer the earth. Befo...

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...ignore the signs. Marlow only began to look within his self but he also had seen lies and absurdity. Marlow was man enough to admit that there are other ways of the world. Those truths were so dark that he could not bring himself to express them to Krutz.

Through admiring the legend of Krutz and actually see who the man Krutz really was, was Marlow's personal salvation. If not seen who Krutz actually was, what would the outcome of Marlow's journey be? Seeing the dark in his own self, brought Marlow away from his downfall and let him control his own destiny. Marlow seen that there were other ways than imperialism, slavery, and the domination one's success could have over a person. Marlow escaped the darkness, and journeyed for a different truth and a different journey than what his "civilized" colleagues, and man of distinguished valor that he thought Krutz was.

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