Evolution of the MUsic Industry

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Music is a big part of our culture and as our culture has transitioned so has our music. Important events that happen in our society affect our culture. Each individual song has a unique background just like every person has a background. Music styles are not the only things that change. Production styles of music as well as the market for music can change as well. Like how music started with live concerts then the markets changed which required a change in production which lead into records and cds, the cd market started to fall through so we decided to revolutionize the way of receiving music with the internet.
The beginning of the music industry was unique because it wasn’t all about how much money you made. It was about making a difference in the world rather than if you could survive off of the money you made. People wanted to spread the word about important things going on in life or in the government. “It centered on musicians and their instrument makers “(2) instead of how much you made a gig. A popular example of this would be the music made in protest of the Vietnam War. Even though in the beginning money wasn’t a huge factor it still mattered. Successful musicians made more money than the average bar band but they had to work extra hard to earn the money they made but even then sometimes it was not enough. Artists started to live on the streets; they weren’t making enough to survive even with other jobs. Record companies then realized that something needed to change they needed to get the word out about music or find a new way to sell it other than concerts and the radio.
Eventually the music companies came up with something new. This new idea was the record. This idea completely changed the way music was perceived by t...

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...rom concerts to the internet has brought upon a new light and helped musicians to achieve their goal in changing the world.

Works Cited

1) "A Brief History of Music and Popular Culture in America." A Brief History of Music and 12345Popular Culture in America. Web. 17 Apr. 2014.
2) Alhadeff, Peter. "Berklee Today." Berklee College of Music. Web. 17 Apr. 2014. 19 May 123452014.
3) Johnson, Will. "How the Internet Is Helping the Music Industry." Digital America. Web. 18 12345Apr.2014.
4) Pfanner, Eric. "Music Industry Sales Rise, and Digital Revenue Gets the Credit." The New 12345York Times. The New York Times, 26 Feb. 2013. Web. 17 Apr. 2014.
5) Pritchard, Charlotte. "Record Deals Changing for Digital Age." BBC News. 1 Jan. 2014. 12345Web.
6) Taintor, Callie. "Chronology: Technology and the Music Industry." PBS. PBS. Web. 13 May 123452014.

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