Evolution Vs Evolution

581 Words2 Pages

Jeffrey Evans
Feb 18 2014
Ms. Iuliano
English 2A
Creation vs. Evolution
Here is the full detail about Evolution vs. Creation. Many people see Evolution as the Big Bang Theory. Which some scientist claim occurred around 13,700,000,000 years ago. It sounds like a lot, and it is! They say that the “Big Bang” was a theory that stated the universe at one time was at a very hot dense status known as singularity, (Singularity- A unique, distinct and peculiar feature.) This was entirely made up of energy. Then around 13.7 billion years ago a tiny singularity grew very quickly in a state called “Cosmic Inflation” As the universe grew it cooled down just a bit and became less dense than before. Energy later reformed into subatomic particles, which will soon become atoms that will form the earth. Scientist believes that the “Big Bang” is supposed to be the origination of space, stars, and the planets around us. Some say that the “Big Bang” does not fully explain the creation of the universe, but others disagree.
A man named Georges Lamaitre came up with this conclusion. He was a Catholic m...

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