Chondrichthyan Fish Essay

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1. Give a brief overview of the evolution of fish. Fish were amongst the first known chordates about 500 million years ago. Therefore, they have a very elaborate and complicated evolutionary history. The first type of fish to appear during the Ordovician era were called Ostracoderms. They had their head and flanks covered with a bony armor while they had a cartilaginous back. The shield was used to keep off predators. The extinction of the Ostracoderms during the Devonian period saw the emergence of Placoderms. These types of fish were also armored, but their functional jaws distinguished them from their predecessors. They also have gills derived from their jaws that took over the specialized role of gaseous exchange. Evolution of …show more content…

What does it mean when we say that sharks are examples of chondrichthyan fish? Chondrichthyan fish such as sharks are a class of fish whose skeleton is made of cartilage. 5. Are these fish completely devoid of bone-like materials? Explain your answer. Their upper and lower jaws are also made of cartilage instead of bone. However, they are not devoid of bone-like materials because they have teeth that are made of bones. 6. How does the shark we will examine in the lab differ from other sharks? Sharks rely on several mechanisms to maintain their buoyancy in water. Firstly, their skeleton is made of cartilage that is less dense than bone. The second mechanism is the dynamic lift where they use their pectoral fins to maintain their buoyancy, just as the birds use their wings in the air. Liver contributes about 25% of the total mass of the shark. Moreover, it contains a natural compound known as Squalene. It is mainly used in the synthesis of Vitamin D and cholesterol. The compound has a lower density that assists the fish in maintaining buoyancy. However, fish with swim bladder have an advantage over sharks in that they can remain still in the water, unlike the shark that must stay in motion to control its …show more content…

How do sharks reproduce? While mating, the male shark fertilizes the eggs by inserting its clasper to the oviduct of the female shark. What happens after the fertilization varies from one species to another. There are shark species that lays their eggs while covered in a protective tissue. These eggs later hatch into young fish. Other species give birth to live young ones and then abandons them. 8. Briefly describe some of the ways the shark is able to detect its prey in the water. Emphasize the ways sharks rely on senses other than vision. Sharks use their sensory, hearing and sight senses to detect their prey in the water. They have sensory receptors forming what is referred to as the lateral line. These receptors detect any potential prey and then it moves towards the direction of the stimulus. Electroreception is another mechanism used by sharks to detect their prey. In electroreception, the Shark picks up frail electrical signals produced by muscle contraction of prey that is close. 9. What is the full taxonomic name and “popular name” of the shark that we will be examining in the lab? The popular name of the shark is the Smallfin gulper shark while its taxonomic name is the Centrophorus

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