Summary Of 'Everything That Rises Must Converge By Flannery O' Connor

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After reading “Everything That Rises Must Converge” by Flannery O’ Connor, I have put together a brief summary. Julian mother needs to attend a weekly class at the Y. This class is for reducing weight and his mother needs to lose 20 pounds on account of her blood pressure. Julian takes his mother to the Y by taking the bus. He feels as if his mother shouldn’t depend on him. Yet, his mother has given up a lot for him. She gave up her lifestyle, her dental/health, and her intelligence. In order for her son to have a good education (which she paid for), for him to have straight healthy teeth, and for him to have a better life. One day, before heading to the Y, his mother pulled out her new hat to wear. This large hat was purple and it cost $7.50. Therefore, she thought about returning is because the money could pay for their gas bill. He thought it was absolutely hideous but told her to keep and wear it. On their way to the bus, his mother began talking about who she was and how you remain what you are. She went on about how Julian’s great- grandfather was a former governor of their state and he had a plantation with two hundred slaves (meaning they were wealthy people). Julian became frustrated and told his mother to look around. They lived within poverty and his mother was a widow, raising a son alone. He never agreed with his mother because both time and people have changed. He made it a point to tell his mother that there were no longer slaves. He felt his mother needed to be taught a lesson. Therefore, while they were on the bus, an African American male sat across from him and his mother. He …show more content…

I disliked how his mother treated blacks (I know at the time, that’s how it was) and how Julian treated his mother. However, I did like how this story was very easy to understand and follow. I also liked how I was able to spot the foreshadowing

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