Everyday Point Of View Essay

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Point of View, Perspective and Voice in Everyday

Imagine being a new person everyday and having no control over it or not having a future with someone. In Everyday by David Levithan the main character, A, changes bodies everyday and is a new person everyday. He then, realizes that he is in love with a girl but can never have a life with her. The point of view demonstrated by Everyday is important to A’s perspective because it helps readers identify A’s thoughts and emotions towards Rhiannon since he realizes he is in love with her.
In this book, the point of view is told by A and is in first person which helps the reader see thoughts and emotions to connect better with the character. “I can stand right here and she has no idea who I am.” (Levithan 54) Point of view is where a story it’s told from. Which in Everyday it’s told in first person point of view. First person point of view uses, “I, I’m or myself” So in this quote, it would be first person because it uses I and myself.
Not only is point of view important but also perspective is because the reader can learn about a character's past that may be included in the story. “I have gotten used to the fact that most mornings are exactly the same.”( Levithan 30) Perspective is background and prior knowledge of the character. In this quote we got …show more content…

For Point of View it’s first person and it’s told by A and uses, “I” and “Myself.” For Perspective it was background information and how A adjusted to the real world. For voice it’s the distinct traits of a character, traits are, mannerism, traits thoughts and opinions. A showed that he was caring through the quote. Everyday connects with real life situations like how you can never have the person you love due to them moving away or not having anything in

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