Events of the French Revolution

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Events of the French Revolution (Page 546-561) I. Background to the Revolution -1789: Beginning of the French Revolution -FR tried to create new political and social order -Population of 27 million was divided into 3 estates -1st estate: --130,000 people --Owned 10% of land --Exempt from taille -2nd estate: --350,000 people –Owned 25%-30% of land –Held many leading positions of military, government, law courts, and church offices –Exempt from taille -3rd estate: --Commoners –Majority of French population –Peasants made up 75-80% of third estate –Owned 35-40% of land –Consisted of craftspeople, shopkeepers, and other wage earners –bourgeoisie was 8% of population or 2.3 million people; 20-25% of the land -1787-1788: Bad harvests and food shortages -Queen Marie Antoinette was known for extensive spending -1614: French parliament (raise new taxes) II. Destruction of the Old Regime -August 4, 1789: National Assembly voted to abolish rights of landlords, and financial privileges of nobles and clergy -August 26: National Assembly adopted Declaration of the Right of Man and the ...

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