Ethical Responsibility Essay

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In order to understand ethical responsibility, it is necessary to understand the meaning of the word “ethics”. Ethics is the study of moral values, or individual and societal convictions that allow a person to distinguish right from wrong (Macrina, 2005). In a more objective sense, ethics can also be described as the analysis of reasoning—the “logic” behind decision-making. Ethical values are the framework of any civilized society, often resulting in common behavioral codes that are accepted across a particular group or culture (Macrina, 2005). In fact, the study of ethics is not restricted to political or social behavior. Applied ethics, or ethics in the workplace, refer to the compliance with principles found in specific fields or occupations. …show more content…

The answer stems from the belief that experts in particular fields have inherent responsibilities simply for being experts (Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy, 2009). Scientists are obligated to aid scientific progress and minimize difficulties in research. In doing so, they must respect the trust their peers have placed in them, behave in ways that benefit the public, and preserve their own personal integrity (Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy, 2009). In addition, the assumed purpose of any scientific field is to improve humanity’s understanding of that field. For example, the goal of medical science might be to fully comprehend the human body and improve human health. Medical scientists identify illnesses and health problems, conduct research to understand their causes, and work to develop cures or solutions (Calman, 1994). In geoscience, the purpose of research is to expand mankind’s knowledge of the earth, such as its geologic past, typical processes, or natural resources. A geoscientist’s occupational responsibilities might include finding water, discovering ore deposits or petroleum, or suggesting optimum locations for land development. In addition, geoscience researchers might assist with responsible management of natural resources, environmental conservation and quality, assessing the effects of climate change, or mapping and forecasting geologic hazards (Reynolds et al.,

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