Ethical Possession Of Knowledge

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The Oxford dictionary defines knowledge as the sum of what is known and ethical responsibility as the duty to follow a path that is deemed morally correct.
“Knowledge is power”. “Great power involves great responsibility”. Both of these quotes, the first belonging to Francis Bacon and the second to Franklin D. Roosevelt, demonstrate the undeniable relationship between knowledge and responsibility. So if the possession of knowledge gives one great power, then certainly ethical responsibility comes hand in hand with it. But what does ethical responsibility involve? Does all personal knowledge need to be shared in order to broaden shared knowledge? Or is there a limit to the ethical responsibility on the possession of knowledge, and if so where do you draw the line? In this essay I will venture into a few AOK’s and see which holds more ethical responsibility in the possession of its knowledge and why.
Possession of knowledge in natural sciences caries infinite amount of ethical responsibility, primarily due to the effect it has on a large scale. The possession of knowledge in natural sciences can either save or end lives. A perfect example of this is Alexander Fleming and his discovery of penicillin. Had he not shared his accidental discovery of the antibiotic, millions would have died. Alexander Fleming had an ethical responsibility to share his knowledge as not doing so would have appeared to be immoral. In this situation, sharing his knowledge brought the greatest amount of happiness to the largest quantity of people. However the opposite can be said with some cases in natural sciences. The most famous being the Manhattan project. The scientists working on that project had an ethical responsibility not to share their possessed...

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... job to take it upon themselves and become a history teacher. Here it is a collective ethical responsibility rather than individuals but it remains an ethical responsibility none the less.
In conclusion, the possession of knowledge carries ethical responsibilities, but it varies in severity. I believe that ethical responsibility comes in play when the knowledge being possessed is obscure or unknown. In these cases ethical responsibility lies in the hands of a few knowers to teach the rest and it isn’t a collective ethical responsibility, like mundane knowledge. Obscure knowledge has the ethical responsibility to be spread and become shared knowledge, mundane knowledge, on the other hand, has only the ethical responsibility stay a part of share knowledge. The AOKs can be classified in terms of ethical responsibility according to effect they have on a large scale.

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