Ethical Issue In Information Systems

901 Words2 Pages

When the internet was considered a global information system in 1995 millions of Americans participated in virtual communication. People began to communicate with each other and personal information began to be placed online by the stroke of the fingertips to their own computer. So the question is the privacy of individuals trusted online? Can people snoop around and see personal information? Of course people can if guidelines are not set in place to protect them. Public and private information can be complex when some individual(s) do not expect their communication to be read outside of their online community. What will be discussed are some ethical responsibilities that need to take place in the United States. Respecting the individual privacy and honor confidentiality is a must in this country.
Information Systems such as a computer, internet or tablets are public communication. When people type on the keyboard to those devices they need to realize they are putting information into a device. So if a person decides they want to type in strong remarks on particular subjects or comment about an issue; they need to realize it will be visible upon others. There are powerful overhead corporations which looks into people information even if they do not think so. According to ("DARPA's Information Awareness Office.", 2003), due to terrorism, the Information Awareness Office (IAO) pursued in developing technologies, components, and applications to prototype system. The technologies include: Collaboration and sharing over TCP/IP, large distributed repositories with dynamic schemas that can be changed interactively by users, foreign language machine translation and speech recognition, biometric signatures of humans, real time le...

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...eeds to be addressed to the United States Government.

Works Cited

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