Ethical Fashion: Ethics And Ethics In The Fashion Industry

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Once you see around you, you may recognize that a dozen of products, especially clothes, surround you. The fashion industry was succeeded to produce products with cheap price and fast circulation. Because of that, consumers can purchase clothes easily, like a pencil or notebook. However, on the other side of such a good aspect, there are another serious issue has raised, such as human rights abuse to the producer. In order to fight against with this situation and make it better, I have three solutions; revealing facts, suggesting ethical/sustainable fashion and changing purchasing habits.
Though you may not recognize the relation between fashion and human rights, they are closely connected. In addition, this is not developing countries issue,
Besides, some may feel that my lifestyle is totally denied. Even they think so, what Ethical fashion suggest is not difficult anymore, and you do not have to accept everything. The important thing is having a sustainable lifestyle. According to “HONNE no Ethical by Jennifer”, the people who are involved in the Ethical Fashion tend to want to take part in the social contribution. Although it is absolutely great, it is difficult for everyone to achieve the same level of consciousness, and it is not necessary right
The Guardian mentions, “In 1997 the average woman bought 19 pieces of clothing, and 10 years later 34.” As you can see from this fact, the amount of clothing people possesses has been rising. According to the survey from the Japanese ministry of economy, trade and industry, “In 1990s the supply volume was 16 million, though, in 2010 its volume has increased to 40 million. In fact, in spite of the large supply, the fashion market has been getting smaller. The reason is the average cost per person has been declining because of the Fast-Fashion. Being a smart customer is a good for yourself and sustainable future. Lucy Siegle, fashion journalist informs us about the tips for shopping smart.
1. Will you wear it 30 times? Just asking yourself if you will wear a prospective item 30 times is a great place to start shopping smarter and more intentional.
2. Spread your fashion The global fashion industry is worth $2.5 trillion. Look for producer centric brands like People Tree run to rigorous Fairtrade standards with longstanding producer groups who get a fair share of the profits
3. Detox your wardrobe Ten percent of the world’s biggest fashion brands have committed to phasing out toxic substances through Greenpeace’s Detox

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