Ethical Controversy Of Cochlear Implants

984 Words2 Pages

The Ethical Controversy About Cochlear Implant

Report to Dr ChrisRoberts, CEO& President ofCochlear with Recommendations for Ethical views

By kaixinliu 2711629

Table of Contents

Page No.

1. Introduction 3

2. Discussion 3

2.1 History of the controversy 4

2.2Current issues 5

3. Conclusion 7

Reference list 8
1. Introduction
A cochlear implant is an electronic medical device that replaces the function of the damaged inner ear (Arndt 1999). Cochlear implants help provide hearing in patients who are deaf because of damage to sensory hair cells in their cochleas. Over 20 years clinical and basic sciences studies have resulted and improved implant technology. The ethical issue behind this technology are deaf community and culture. This report critically analyses the key ethical issue involved with cochlear implants history of the ethical controversy; and current issues in the controversy; and possible future action that the organisation could take; and recommendations for future actions by the organisation. The report defines cochlear implants ethical issues in the past, future and present then provide recommendations to the Dr Chris Roberts, CEO & President of Cochlear.

2. Discussion
In my researching there are three topics included: history, current issues and future action.

2.1 History of the controversy
Cochlear implants help people be able to hear and understand speech if they cannot benefit it from a hearing aid. Deaf people are able to learn language, communicate more confidently and have a better chance of getting a job. Deafness may have separated the hearing impaired from the world of sound, they slowly formed a newfound sense of unity in the unique perspective that they shared. A community was for...

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Blume, Stewart. 2009. The Artificial Ear. Rutgers University Press
P.C. Loizou, "Mimicking the human ear," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, pp. 101-130, September 1998.

Sparrow, R. 2005. Defending Deaf Culture: The Case of Cochlear Implants. The Journal of Political Philosophy 13(2): 135-152, June.

Zheng JL, Gao WQ. Overexpression of Math1 induces robust production of extra hair cells in postnatal rat inner ears. Nat Neurosci. 2000;3:580–586

Nicholas, J. G. and Geers, A. E. (2006). The process and early outcomes of cochlear implantation by three years of age. In P. E. Spencer & M. Marschark Eds.), Advances in the Development of Spoken Language by Deaf Children. New York: Oxford University Press.
Lane, H. Hoffmeister, and R. Bahan, B., A Journey into the Deaf-World (San Diego, Calif.: DawnSign Press, 1996), pp. 18, 24-5. Dolnick, “Deafness as culture,” p.38

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