Estrangement of Labor

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By reading through the text of extraction, in a nutshell it implies the dissatisfaction borne by the receptionist due to working as a machine not as a human. According to the cited text, the receptionist has innate notion that she was a cog of wheel of conceptual machine. What is the origin of this dissatisfaction? Philosopher Carl Marx stated that emerged because of estranged labour and alienation from the world. He formed his conceptualization of estrangement of labour which helped to identify what caused the dissatisfaction of the labour.

Karl Marx believed that the society is divided into classes as propertied and propertyless; everything is considered in terms of utility or commodity and price in the capitalism. Marx recognized the labour is external to the individual because it is not an important part of his being. Therefore, intrinsically individual does not exist and confirm herself in her work itself. As a result of this the individual, like receptionist in this case denies herself, feels unhappy and miserable, and cannot develop mental or physical energy freely. Actually, she is hostile to herself. She can feel herself when she is not working, not she is working. She can feel she has a home when she is not working where as she feels homeless when she is working. All in all, her labour is not volunteered but coerced. It means and when she is working she feel at it is not real satisfaction of the worker other than just attempts to satisfy needs outside it.

Within the perimeter of external labour, man alienates himself and it seems some kind of self-sacrifice and self-humiliation. Eventually the worker sensed that his spontaneous activities possessed or disposed by others not by him, that is the loss of worker...

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...apitalists who gain the profit at the cheap cost of labours. Therefore, the workers feel alienated from and antagonistic towards the entire system which is appropriated by the capitalists. In the case of receptionist, she estranged herself from the society bonded with machine. The circumstances create alienation workers from the human relationships, precisely from human nature.

Here, it can be summarized relating the receptionist that the receptionist has dissatisfaction towards job since she is alienated from her labour, alienated from what she produced, from the wealth she created and alienated from her own life.

By considering above aspects of estrangement it is viable to analyze why the receptionist feel about her job and her dissatisfaction towards her job. Their existence assists to capitalist keep their production intake at cheap cost of labour.


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