Essential Elements Of A Vision Essay

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What are the essential elements of a vision?
A convincing vision identifies what people want, rather than what they don’t want. After the coach and client established trust and rapport, coaches can assist clients develop a vision of their desired future outcome. Having a vision to work for is the foundation for planning. Some essential elements of a vision are value, outcome, behavior, motivators and support. By having a value it helps the client to figure out who do they want to be and how coaches can design a program according to the client’s vision and outcome. It is important to identify client’s current behavior before they start changing. This will assist coaches to move the client to into actions stage by supporting and motivating. …show more content…

By revisiting the cause problem clients will increase discouragement and resistance to a new behavioral change. However, coaches should assist clients generate effective ways to overcome challenges and stay positive by focusing on their strengths rather than their weakness. For example, in the early stages where challenges are still fresh and might appear overwhelming, coaches should put themselves in their client’s shoes by expressing empathy for client feelings.
Until clients are ready, willing, and able to take action, what should the coach do to help increase their readiness to change?
Although no coach can assist a client until they are ready and willing to for themselves, however, the coaches can play active role by connecting clients with their values and motivators. In addition, coaches can ask clients open-ended question regarding the Importance of wellness, healthy eating and coping stress to them. This will encourage talks between the coach and client. The more coach empower the client and show their possibilities for achieving their goals the more likely clients will make the initial step to take action.
Explain the difference between behaviors and outcomes. Give examples of some behaviors and outcomes that might be part of a client’s health, fitness, and wellness …show more content…

By assisting client to be specific about their goal, they want to achieve their vision will increase their level of success. Being specific about the details of how and when is important because it gives clients a set timeline in which to reach the desired outcome. Three examples of cognitive weekly smart goals are, I will identify and list 5 of my top motivators for my priority goals for next week. Every Sunday night before I go to bed I will list and evaluate the pros and cons for losing weight for next week. For 2 days this week I will log my exercises and behavior after I eat. Examples of behavior weekly SMART goals are, I will exercise three times a week for 45 minutes. Every day I eat 3 servings of fruits and vegetable 5 days a week. I will eat dessert with my lunch 2 days a week (Tuesday and Sunday) this week.
Why is it important to discuss client strengths and motivators when setting goals with clients?
By discussing clients about their strengths and motivators coaches can decide whether the motivators are strong enough to keep client on track. For example if a client want to lose 5 pounds, coaches can ask how this is connected to their vision. By keeping connecting the clients vision to their motivators will assist clients commit to losing weight. Coaches can play a role by assisting clients identify reasons that positive motivators. We all have different motivators, therefore, understanding

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