Freud's Theory Of Sexuality

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Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality Freud has always been on of my favorite theorist, He was never afraid to think outside the box and propose something unimaginable. Freud, as a psychosexual analyst had a very unique way of looking at humans and their actions. According to Freud 's theories, everyone 's actions were driven by a sexual desire whether it was suppressed or not. While Freud did focus a lot on the sexual drive behind people 's actions, his Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality focused on sexual aberrations rather than normality. The essays covered a wide spectrum of topics including: sexual object, sexual aim, and many perversions. The perversions Freud covered in his essays include: inversion, fetishism, sadism and masochism, anal intercourse, use of the oral mucus membranes and pedophilia. Each perversion was intensely explored and explained. Freud 's sole purpose of his three essays was to bring light to the different aberrations that exist and deem them as normal or an actual aberration. While many of the perversions mentioned in the essay were …show more content…

It is only exceptionally that children are the exclusive sexual objects in such a case. they usually come to play that part when someone who is cowardly or has become impotent adopts them as a substitute, or when an urgent instinct (one which will not allow of postponement) cannot at the moment get possession of anymore appropriate object”. (Freud, 96) Freud’s basically states in his essay that pedophilia is acceptable if the child is used as an exclusive sexual object, and that children are only used as sexual objects if there is no other options. Freud also continues on to tell the type of individuals that use children as sexual objects, he explains these individuals as cowardly or impotent, which basically gives them an excuse to use

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