Essay: The Importance Of Privacy

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People other than myself having knowledge of my location and whereabouts is something that raises a decent amount of concern, which is why I would rank it an eight on a scale of one to ten. In a perfect world, only my loved ones and I would have access to my location, but because of social media, G.P.S., and tracking software, a vast majority of people can have access to your whereabouts. People who have access to your location without your knowledge also have the ability to abuse this information in many ways. One very common method criminals can abuse this information is to learn when you will not be home, track your locations, and then break in to your house when they know you are not there. In order to prevent this from happening, it is important to be aware of what you are posting online, and also be able to check your phone or any other electronic devices for any malware that may be tracking your location.
Privacy regarding conversations and communications with others is the area in which privacy matters the most to me, ranking a nine on a scale of one to ten. Communication …show more content…

For me personally, the importance of privacy regarding what I do on the internet would be a 6 on a scale of one to ten. Due to the fact that I have ways of prevent a decent amount of my browsing information from being sent out on the internet (VPN’s, safe browsing techniques, etc.), I do not have to worry about a lot of my browsing habits making it on to the internet. However, no matter how safe I am, I know that I cannot keep all my information private, which is why it still ranks pretty highly for me. Using techniques that I have stated previously (mainly VPN’s), you can keep a lot of the information regarding what you do while on the internet private, and only for your

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