Essay On Victimization

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Everyone is affected by crime, whether they are a direct victim, a family member or the victim’s friend. It can interfere with individual’s daily life, their personal sense of safety and their ability to trust others.

Victims of crime will deal with a wide range of immediate, short-term and long-term reactions. All victims will experience shock, distress, numbness and disconnection. It can affect their emotional, psychological, physical, social, financial and spiritual wellbeing, causing people to change their behaviour and lifestyles. Victims who have suffered violent crimes and threats to their lives and personal injury will have a different reaction and have a harder time coping with their feelings than those who are victims of nonviolent …show more content…

Many often have feelings of unreality and think this can’t be happening to me. When the assault happens they are shocked, terrified and surprised. Many victims describe feeling powerless, anxious, and helpless, guilt, and hostility, anger and low self-esteem. During the incident, they report having a rapid heartbeat, hyperventilation, stomach upset and feelings of no control. Many will find it hard to find the words to describe what happened to them cohesively. The Victims of home invasions describe feelings of violation, vulnerability and unease in their own …show more content…

Instead of enjoying going out on trips to the shops, cinemas or work, people will feel vulnerable and isolated. In areas of high crime people may move away from their neighbourhood causing a decrease in the value of local house prices and new businesses may avoid the area, while existing businesses may be forced to leave the area or close down because of repeated theft or vandalism, which then force residents to shop outside their local

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