Essay On The Prison System

580 Words2 Pages

Deonna Lynn Banks
Ohio Christian University
Author Note
This paper was prepared for English Composition 1 EN101, taught by: Instructor Mark Cuthberson
Why is the prison system failing the country?
The judicial system has made multi-billions of dollars, from the criminal activity in America. The International Center for prison studies estimates, that America imprisons 716 people per one hundred thousand citizens. 75 billion dollars was spent on federal, state, and local penitentiary systems. Yet, some people are saying; Build more prisons and bigger prison and give longer sentences to non-violent offenders.
Reformatories where built with three functions in mind. To punish the criminals, rehabilitate the offender prior to the release, hoping no other crimes will be committed and to protect the innocent. If the custodial system was a form of punishment, nearly seventy percent of all inmates, would not have returned to prison more than twice in their lifetimes. Clearly the lesson that is projected, is not being learned. Instead the young still teachable adults, are turned into hard-core...

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