Essay On The Period Of Labor Contract

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1. Period of labor contract
The term of a labor contract refers to the effective time of a contract, which usually begins at the date of the entry into force of the contract and at the time of the termination of the contract. Any labor process is carried out in a certain period of time and space. In a modern society, working time is considered as a ruler to measure the efficiency and results of labor. The term of labor contract is determined by the employer and the worker in consultation. It is an important part of the labor contract, and it has a very important role.

For example: Before you sign the contract, work time workers must be clear, for the specified time, maybe you will take the initiative to work overtime in order to earn more money, the default enterprises …show more content…

4. Remuneration for labor service
Labor remuneration refers to the income that is earned through labor. The basic standard of differentiating the income from labor remuneration and salary and salary is whether there is the relationship between employment and employment.

For example: Labor remuneration should be clearly defined and oral agreement should be avoided. If the standard wage is how much? There is no bonus? The bonus is based on what criteria issued? These data must be reflected in the contract, do not rely on the boss's oral bearing labor remuneration payment and payment time should be clear, cash or through bank payment to the account. Some units to detain staff of one month's salary at the way workers, this behavior does not have legal effect. If the termination of labor contract, the employer refused to provide remuneration withholding, workers can solve the problem through labor arbitration.

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