Essay On The Cartoon Guide To Chemistry

1384 Words3 Pages

Ahad Ali Period 5th Garza
The Cartoon Guide to Chemistry Book Report:
The name of this incredible book is The Cartoon Guide to Chemistry by Larry Gonick and Craig Criddle. This book is published by HarperCollins Publishers Inc in 2005. It contains of 244 pages of pure knowledge of chemistry. There are many genres of this book, but the ones that stand out are mathematics, science, and humor. This book consists of the basics of chemistry needed throughout the year. It talks about anything you need to know from the size of a small atom to a huge experiment leading to many new discoveries.
The author’s purpose in writing this book is many. One of these is to give students knowledge in the basics of chemistry. This book is an introduction to the life of chemistry itself. The theme of this book are elements, atoms, the periodic table, matter, chemical reactions, thermodynamics, DNA, electrochemistry, reaction rate, equilibrium, solutions, and much more! More broadly, the theme if this book is chemistry and its importance of it in our lives. There were many main points interesting to me, but here are a few.
In the beginnings of chemistry, Democritus thought that matter was made up of indivisible particles. Aristotle found out that there were four main elements which was composed of all the rest. These main elements were air, earth, water, and wind. John Dalton stated that each element was made up of tiny, indivisible atoms. This was called The Atomic Theory of Matter. Then, Dmitri Mendeleev arranged the elements in order according to weight. This eventually made the periodic table which we use every day.
Scientist found...

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... is because this book gives you the basics and the understanding of chemistry, so that you are better prepared for the class. I wish that I would’ve known about this book before I took chemistry, as it would’ve helped my grades in the class currently.
The Cartoon Guide to Chemistry by Larry Gonick and Craig Criddle is a wonderful book to read. This book explains the basics of chemistry and its overall purpose in our lives. The book includes valuable information about elements, atoms, the periodic table, matter, chemical reactions, thermodynamics, DNA, electrochemistry, reaction rate, equilibrium, solutions, and much more. This book has left a great impact on me and my life. I hope other students may someday pick this book up and read it, not for a required chemistry book report assignment, but for the joy in gaining more knowledge about this fascinating topic.

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