Essay On The Absence Of Reality In The Great Gatsby

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In the book, “The Great Gatsby,” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Daisy was a character that perfectly portrayed the absence of reality in her life and in Jay Gatsby’s life. To Gatsby, she was more than just a dream, she was a necessity that he could not have. Daisy portrays the absence of reality in her life by avoiding commitments, having no self respect, and not being able to think for herself.

Daisy portrays the absence of reality in her life by avoiding commitments that she has made. When Daisy found herself with a young child, fathered by a man she does not love, she slowly began to neglect her responsibilities of motherhood. Having had no attention from her mother and father, the child is left to be taken care of by one of the nannies that Daisy has hired. Around others, Daisy is shown to be proud to show off her beautiful child, however, behind closed doors, she neglected her child and treated her daughter as an object instead of a person. Daisy also avoided commitments in her life by cheating on her husband with Jay Gatsby. Even though Daisy truly loved Gatsby instead of Tom, ...

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