Essay On Sports Related Concussions

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Each year more than 300,00 athletes suffer from sports-related concussions, and a lot of these athletes are high school students. High school athletes are more susceptible to concussions, and should sit out longer after they are concussed. These athletes should sit out longer, because after you get one concussion it becomes easier and easier to get another one, and if you start playing prematurely it would be very easy to get hurt again. According to article two, a "concussion is a trauma induced alteration in mental statues that may or may not result in loss of consciousness", and according to article three a concussion is an injury caused by a blow to the head neck or face. With that being said it can be agreed upon that a concussion is trauma to brain, and any trauma to the brain can cause permanent brain damage. High school students ages range from about 14-18, and if they were to receive permanent brain damage at such a …show more content…

Athletes do need to train and condition, but they need the time to properly heal, and taking the time to sit out will give them that time for their brain to heal correctly. However, there are precautions in place to help protect them from concussions, such as helmets with shock liners, medical professionals on the fields, and there are already rules put into place. The rules however are a general statement for every athlete, but not every athlete heals the same, or at the same pace. A perfect example of how not all athletes heal that same is in article four, it tells that female athletes are more susceptible to concussions than male athletes, so they may need to sit out longer to heal properly. And with that being said it is very easy to be hurt again if you start playing prematurely, so the athletes need to take the time to heal to prevent further injuries, and to also prevent ending their career or spot in that

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