Essay On Spermatogenesis

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Spermatogenesis is the formation of the male sex cell, sperm. This process begins with the differentiation of germ cells to form stem cells. A first mitotic division creates spermatogonia (diploid) and a second creates spermatocytes (diploid). Each spermatocyte then goes through meiosis to firm four haploid spermatids. In the seminiferous tubules the cells move towards the centre of the tubules as they undergo shape changes. The cells go through a spermatocyte and a spermatid stage and move into the lumen then the epididymis where they finally become mobile (textbook).
Oogenesis is the formation of female sex cells, oogonia (eggs). Oogonia begin in the ovary as a diploid cell and then move to the stroma where they are transformed into primary follicles. A growth phase turns the primary follicles into primary oocytes, which are still diploid. Further in the stoma stroma the primary oocytes are covered in layers of cells which will form the follicle wall. Oocytes, surrounded by fluid-filled follicles, enter the outer ovary where a meiotic …show more content…

Sperm and Eggs
Sperm are small and mobile so that the likelihood of fertilization is increased. Having a reduced size and the ability to move allows the sperm to move towards the immobile egg. The size of the sperm is ideal for the passage through the vaginal cavity. The male body would use more energy producing larger sperm cells, instead, many more small sperm are produced to optimize the amount of energy used to produce the sex cells (Geoff).
The egg must be larger than the sperm as it is the first cell that will grow to form a baby. The egg is also most likely larger than the sperm as a result of not having to make the same journey to the uterus that the sperm undergoes. Additionally, the egg is large and immobile because it must stay in the uterus as that is where a baby will grow for nine months, unlike the sperm, the egg is already in position for fertilization to happen (Text 1057).

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