Essay On Spanish American Imperialism

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American Expansion overseas caused violent outbreaks, political turmoil and overall disruption of nations and their societies. The United States occupied various countries for imperialistic, economic and militaristic gain regardless if that country gave them permission or not. Some examples include the Philippine-American war breaking out, Hawaii’s queen, Liliuokalani being overthrown, the political coup that allowed the U.S. to build the Panama Canal and the creation of Cuba’s new constitution. In the defeat of the Spanish the Spanish-American War, the United States obtained the Philippines through the treaty of Paris and wrongfully kept the islands under their rule for imperialist gains. Unlike Cuba, the U.S. did not grant independence to the Philippines because “they were unfit for self-government-and they would soon have anarchy and misrule worse than Spain’s war” (DOC 3). Outraged, the Filipino people pushed back on this decision and the Filipino-American War broke out in 1898. It was a brutal and bloody war both in lives and money spent. An …show more content…

The U.S. government passed the Platt Amendment that was apart of the new cuban constitution which essentially allowed them to oversee and control almost every part of Cuba’s government. It specifically said, “The government of Cuba consents that the U.S. may exercise the right to intervene for the preservation of Cuban independence” (DOC 11). This stripped Cuba of its power along with other amendments passed that decreed the U.S. had to approve the treaties Cuba creates with other countries. The Cuban economy also suffered at times as it became dependent on the sugar production and imports of additional goods from other countries. Overall, the U.S. was not justified in inflicting their control on Cuba and consequently altering their previous

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