Essay On Social Change

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Jane Jacobs once said, “People must take a modicum of public responsibility for each other even if they have no ties to each other.” In some respects, I agree with Jane Jacobs’ quote, but in other ways, I do not. As a member of society, I cannot control what other people do, nor can I entirely stop them from doing certain things. However, I can stand up for what is right and try to correct or stop those actions. If I see an injustice happening, I believe that, as long as it is not a safety risk, it is my responsibility to stand up and help the people in need, regardless of who they are or if you know them. To me, being an agent of social change means that I need to stand up for what is right and help in any ways I can to make the word An agent of social change could be anyone who cares about making a different in the world. Social change is the lasting changes that are made to the norms and values of a society. Looking at the unfortunate societal norms, such as bullying, sexism, racism, ableism, etc. and working to eliminate the problems in any way you can makes you an agent of social change. Social change is important because, if society views something one way, the only way to change their minds is through social change. In the past, things like racism and sexism were so prominent in society, and social change is the way that we are combating it. The world is not perfect, but the more agents of social change there are in the world, the better a place it will be to live. I believe that it does not matter if you are in an influential position or not, everyone who is able to should be responsible for invoking I am an early childhood education student, so I have gone on placements working with young children, and I have a job at a daycare working with children aged 8 months – 11 years. I think that working with children in such a way has made me an agent of social change because, through my work with the children, I attempt to teach them how to be agents of social change. I believe that, by leading from example, I am helping raise the newest generation in teaching them the tools they would need to change the world for the better. I am trying my best to teach the children to be open-minded and treat all people equally. I believe that, if I do my job correctly, I could teach a little girl about how she is powerful, and who knows? Maybe that little girl could become the first female Prime Minister of Canada, combating sexism and gender stereotypes while she does it. I have worked with children of different races, genders, religions, and cultures, and I think that, through educating the children in my care and teaching them about equality, they can and will change the

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