Essay On Secularism And Secularism

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In India, Secularism or the liberal tag is a much-maligned concept today. Rather than the lofty ethos that word should represent, ideas that come to our mind are the negative ideas of polarization, appeasement etc. Secularism and liberalism are no longer fashionable not because of any defect in their lofty meanings, but because of the ludicrous, boorish behavior of those who claim to be "liberal -secular intellectuals". Actually, respect for customs and beliefs of others, not just mere tolerance is ingrained in our since time immemorial, whereas in the West even the watered down concept of tolerance gained currency only in the last century. India gave the world the concepts of universal brotherhood and "vasudhaiva kutumbakam. Ours is one culture …show more content…

But, selectively attacking the beliefs and customs of a particular community cannot be condoned, as done by various organizations in the name of protest. Social media flooded with the posts [promoted by a phalanx of self-styled guardians secularism and liberty] of decrying the irrationality of the majority community in worshipping cow as “mother”. What happened to the basic tenant of secularism of respecting the religious beliefs of others? No religion or religious practices are fully rational. When the rationality of sacredness of cow is questioned, the rationale behind the virgin birth or behind the various tenets of Islam or any other religion also come under scrutiny. I can say with some confidence that rationality is not the strong suit religions. The disturbing fact is that the same people who come out all guns blazing when someone from the Hindu far right make any objectionable comment on minority customs spearheads the tirade against the customs of the majority community. Same goes for the concept of freedom of speech. If you find a rise of intolerance among the sections of normally docile majority community, the major reason is the decades of politics of appeasement, and stoking of minority communalism in the name of "secularism". Selective outrage, and blatant hypocrisy of the mainstream media, and the so-called "liberals" made the majority community feel victimized in a country where they make up 80% of the population. It was just a matter of time before some majority groups realized that they too can play the game of sentiments or stifle free speech in the name of hurt sentiments. Now, it's a free for all

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