Prenatal Development Essay

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This essay covers information over the course of prenatal development. I will also discuss teratology and hazards to the prenatal development, those such as, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, cocaine, marijuana, heroin, and opioids. Additionally, I will discuss how maternal factors such as maternal diet and nutrition, maternal age, emotional states and stress, and paternal factors, may influence prenatal development. The course of prenatal development normally initiates with fertilization and ends with birth, lasting 38 to 40 weeks of gestation. It can be separated into three phases: germinal, embryonic, and fetal. The first two weeks after conception the germinal stage of prenatal development takes place. During this stage, a group of cells, The fetus relies on the its mother for nutrition which is why it is important that a mother maintains a healthy diet and nutrition. Mothers who fail to intake the necessary proteins, vitamins, and minerals during pregnancy is subjected to the malformation of their child. Maternal age is as well associated with the unpleasant pregnancy outcomes. For example, in adolescence the mortality rate of an infant is higher than to mothers of older age. When women of age 35 years or older has become pregnant the risk that the child will have Down syndrome increases. Emotional states and stress during pregnancy can have long term consequences such as having a child with emotional or cognitive problems, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and language delay. It is concluded that mothers who suffer from depression during pregnancy can be linked to preterm birth, low weight at birth in full-term infant, and an increase risk that depression will develope in the adolescence. Not only does maternal characteristics influence the prenatal development of the offspring but so does the paternal. A father who smokes around the pregnant mother leads to a risk of early pregnancy loss and leukemia may also arise from second hand smoking. The father who is of age 40 or older is at risk of

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