Exploring the Majestic Peacock Bass

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Bass Fishing – a Closer Look at the Peacock Bass

Peacock bass are the most beautiful fresh water fish that you can find in certain parts of America but they are mostly highly concentrated in South America including; Amazon, Columbia, Dominican Republic etc… It is a common misconception but peacock bass are actually not a member of the bass family. Even though they are referred to as bass, they are actually members of the Cichlid family. Peacock bass is a general name for two types of fish one being the speckled peacock bass and the other being the royal peacock bass. The speckled peacock bass is the largest out of the two and can grow to around 4 feet long which is outstanding for a fish. The royal peacock bass is the smallest, with its maximum length of around 1 foot.

Their shapes and patterns are similar with the majority displaying three wide stripes which are placed vertically across their bodies. The reason why these beautiful fish are known as peacock bass is because they all possess a spot on their tail fins that imitates the eye on a peacock’s feathers. The eye is used by both the peacock and the peacock fish, as a defense mechanism against predators. In addition, the eye can be used by the peacock fish as a lure of its own when …show more content…

Similarly to smallmouth bass, peacock bass tend to be known for fighting quality, which can provide entertainment for the anglers fishing for them. Fishing for these beauties has become so popular that even travel agencies offer organized trips to the Amazon and to Florida just so people can fish for peacock bass. There is one warning that you MUST remember when fishing for peacock bass, it is that they are extremely vicious fish and been referred to by many fishermen as ‘freshwater bullies’ so beware. It might be easy to get them hooked, but keeping them on the hook is another

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