Effects Of Parental Incarceration

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The purpose of this research paper is to discuss why most juveniles are being incarcerated at an alarming rate as well as repeated offenders and how to stop the reoccurring incarceration in generations. Parental incarceration is often an adverse childhood experience that has been characterized as an enduring trauma that involves ongoing and repeated stressors. Due to the large number of incarceration of parents both men and women has left children behind and caused them to suffer from unintended effects of incarceration. The decline in the moral order of our inner-cities is the result of prolonged material hardship. The state, having failed to provide adequate education, housing, and other services, has created desperation and demoralization …show more content…

They, along with their child, are the ones who must plan where the child’s future will lead. Everything that is done for a child should be a step toward those desired outcomes. Where they want and don’t want their child to live and work, is crucial for every decision. When planning long term vision, parents need to be provided with information about all the issue that can affect their child’s overall quality of life.
Traditionally the penalty of imprisonment was kept for the most recalcitrant offender and the prison was an institution that was feared by many, but experienced by few (Frost & Gross, 2012). Over the forty year period since the early 1970s, the jurisdictions across the United States became more and more willing to impose longer sentences of imprisonment for broader classes of offenses, offenders, and incarceration came to occupy a relatively prominent place in our correctional selection (Frost & Gross, …show more content…

Drug charges played a vital role in the incarceration of women at 62% in federal facilities (Godbold, 2013). After the drug reform policy, a high rate of men were incarcerated, but the growing rate of women being incarcerated are almost six times more than men (Godbold, 2013). The fact that incarcerated women are affected negatively, because of the effect it may have on their children, even though many of these mothers anticipate returning to this capacity after serving their sentences (Godbold, 2013).
Substance abuse problems in men directly affect the women in their lives. The women may suffers by being overburdened, enduring emotional and physical violence, financial constraints, risk of transmission of STD/HIV and emotional distress, nonexistence of social support and psychological distress as well. There are verbal threats and beatings from the substance abuse partner, which makes the whole family environment stressful. Female life partners of drug abusers and alcoholics have also been labeled as co-dependents, co-alcoholics or enablers (Zehra , & Sadiq,

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