Essay On Opiates

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Tylenol is a household name. Drug stores and groceries sell it over the counter as a temporary pain relief medication. In this form, people might consider Tylenol to be harmless. As a prescribed medication, Tylenol gets an additional boost from another substance. Doctors prescribe Tylenol with codeine for the treatment of higher levels of pain. As most people already know, narcotic substances can be highly addictive.

A close Look at Tylenol with Codeine
Codeine is an opiate. We all know how addictive opiates can be. When prescribe by a doctor and taken as prescribed, this class of narcotics should be safe for the patient. This particular substance has several medicinal uses. The list of medicinal uses would include cough suppression and moderate pain relief. Patients can also use it for diarrhea and irritated bowel syndrome. …show more content…

At high levels, opiates create a high effect. As the brain and body build up a tolerance to opiates, the users needs higher or more frequent does to get high. That's where addiction begins.

Tylenol with Codeine Addiction
Tylenol with codeine is abused by far too many people. Once their addiction takes hold, they become subject to all the bad side effects, including a possible overdose. If they make any attempt to stop using the drug after an addiction sets in, the user faces the prospects of having to deal with dangerous withdrawal symptoms.

Doctors and treatment clinicians consider opiate-based drugs to be among the most addictive and dangerous drugs on the planet. The most dangerous withdrawal symptoms include muscle cramps, convulsions, hallucinations, vomiting, body pain, anxiety and insomnia. Anyone who attempts to suddenly stop taking an opiate without medical advice exposes themselves to other severe

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