Essay On Negative Effects Of Cell Phones

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Every high school in today’s society is impacted by student 's use of cell phones, but at one local high school, the issue is incontrovertibly noticeable. Sussex Technical High School in Georgetown, Delaware has lifted their ban and maintained an approval of cell phone use for two years now. This appeased the student population, but the school did not reap any benefits by reversing the previous prohibition. Students now are using their phones for purposes other than bettering the surrounding society, and instead, may even be harming it. As a recent graduate of this high school, I can attest to the negative impact of student cell phone use. It was apparent phones were being used not to study, but to bully, to cheat and were an overall distraction in the classroom. With school approved cell phone use, cyber bullying becomes much more abundant, and can substantially affect the student population. “52 per cent of young people report [they have been] cyberbullied,” and “25 per cent of teenagers report that they have experienced repeated bullying by their cell phone, or on the Internet,” says the Counseling Service concerning Cyber Bullying Statistics. The ability of students to take a picture and upload it to a social media website can turn an …show more content…

The study likewise revealed, “[l]ow-achieving students benefited most from the ban, with test scores increasing by 14.23 percent points… a gain that was double compared with that of average students” (Griess). On top of this, “[b]anning cellphones in schools reaps the same benefits as extending the school year by five days...”

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