Essay On Malnutrition

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Malnutrition and unclean water are major causes of death in developing countries. While people in developed countries have access to a glass of fresh water anytime of the day, it’s quite the contrary for people in developed countries whose only source of water is the river that’s miles away. This goes for food as well. Undernourished kids have a hard time developing and are less resistant to diseases (i). Insufficient nutrients contribute to rising child mortality (ii); mothers are unable to breastfeed their babies since they are undernourished themselves (ii). In some instances, girls are required to eat last after the males due to their culture. The consequences of malnutrition are many; the leading results are lower IQs, heart disease, and diabetes (ii). Victims are prone to malaria, measles, and HIV/AIDS as well (8). Diarrhea also serves as a catalyst for undernourishment since it strips the body of its nutrients (iii). The two different types of malnutrition are Kwashiorkor and Marasmus, both being severe and fatal (iv). Data illustrating the rate of diarrhea and respiratory diseases caused by malnutrition is dangerously and steadily increasing (v). As of now, there are 925 million undernourished people in the world; that’s 1 in 7 people (vi). The top countries that suffer from this are Haiti, Anglo, and Guatemala (vii). In Haiti, 53 people out of 100,000 die of undernourishment (vii). Poverty is the biggest factor in malnutrition; in some nations, economic and political power is handled by the wealth minority who could care less about the rest of the citizens’ well-being. In developing nations, 773 million people go without access to clean water (viii). The only access some communities have is from a river that’s miles away ...

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...Hunger and Malnutrition was adopted in 1974 at the World Food Conference (xv). The 1,000 Days Program seeks to provide mothers and young children the necessary nutrients (xvi). The World Food Programme is a humanitarian agency that fights global hunger (xvii). The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations also works to achieve food security for all (xviii). UNICEF also focuses on the healthy development of children (xix). The World Bank and the UN System Standing Committee on Nutrition will hold a World Health Assembly Side-Event to discuss food security as well as to draw an agenda for action for 2015 on May 20, 2014 (xx). The Committee on World Food Security was created in 1974 as a branch under FAO to enact food security policies (xxi). The International Fund for Agricultural Development also inherits similar goals of sustaining food security.

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