Longevity Diet Benefits

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What is a longevity diet? And will including more of the foods and supplements recommended for a longer life, keep you looking younger too? Well, I can only imagine anything you do for yourself that is considered longevity, will also result in a happier, healthier, you. Foods, herbs, supplements, and other products aimed at helping you live a longer, more fulfilling life, can only be a good thing. As long as you don’t go overboard, and obsess over what you are doing. Then the whole process is counterproductive and you might live longer yet look years older! Anything you eat that is healthy and good for you will lead to a longer and healthier life. There are so many foods, supplements, available, for a longevity diet. Maybe you don’t like I quite like to take it with milk, you may not. It is a matter of experimenting and finding what you like, therefore, you are more likely to stick to what you are doing. Don’t try and force something down your throat because it is considered one of the best foods for longevity, and it’s actually making you feel sick. When you do this, you are more likely to stuff yourself after a couple of days with something unhealthy. Even though we are actually living longer lives, disease and illness are still very prevalent. I want to live a longer life, but I want to feel strong, fit, and healthy. Longevity Diet What is often recommended for a longer living diet is eating less meat, once a week is usually best. For all those other times, eat more fish, and, beans. Generally, a plant-based diet is preferred. Eat more fruits and Cut out sugar for a week and see how you go, and that means, no dairy milk chocolate, ice cream, cakes, or biscuits. Supplements For Longevity Don’t go crazy on supplements for longevity. Some aren’t worth the money and others may actually be interfering with your health. Take copper, for example, many people these days are suffering from copper overload, due to taking a supplement. This can result in feeling depressed, constantly tired, mood swings, headaches and/or migraines, anxiety, and constipation. I used to be one of those people who went overboard on supplements, I was totally addicted to taking them. I spent a fortune and in all honesty, I didn’t feel or look so fantastic for my effort. Nowadays, I am more mindful of what I am taking. Vitamin D is one I take daily because I don’t get enough sun. I also take MSM, vitamin C, and Coenzyme q10. Best Herbs For A Longevity Diet Gotu kola is a well-known herb for extending life and could be considered one of the best for a longer life. Ginko Biloba for brain function. Milk Thistle for strengthening the liver. Hawthorn for a strong

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